that connect
Solveiga Strategically coordinates and project leads events from ideation to execution, including hosting and moderating
These events can range from grand conferences, concerts, or panel discussions to intimate roundtables, dinners and company culture building events
Each event is harmoniously planned to have brand-aligned content PLANs for website, PR, campaigns, and social media
Using feedback loops on audience engagement, attendance and impact of CTA, each event is adapted and made more intentionally
Seeds of SounD: concert meets climaTe Action
project lead, host
A new take on concerts, where music, art and inspiration intersect to support nature and inspire climate action, in collaboration with Music Declares Emergency.
Kicked off the night with a poem from Sabitha Soderholm, then into a panel discussion about the cross connection between climate awareness and the music industry with GENTS, Lewis Jamieson (co-founder of MDE), and Maria Reumert Gjerding (president of Danmarks Naturfredningsforening).
Copenhagen favourites GENTS signed the MDE petition stating there is #nomusiconadeadplanet and the concert proceeds raised 22.000 DKK for nature conservation.
News about Seeds of Sound was picked up and published in Politiken, Kulturen på P1, Go' morgen, and Heartbeats.

Behind the Scenes of Circularity: Screening & Panel
project lead, host
An evening of learning more on circularity within the fashion industry. Kicked off event with a screening from WaterBear, in partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, then led into a panel discussion. The panelists joined from Fashion Revolution, VAER, Sharedrobes, In futurum and Copenhagen Cartel.

AIR: Art Auction for Climate
project lead, host
This yearly charity art action celebrated the power of art and the wonder of nature by auctioning off 17 pieces of work from the AIR Artist Residency with work from artists such as Studio Thinkinghand, Ida Lissner and Andrea Villalon.
From selling the artwork, over €48.000 were raised for Den Danske Naturfond to conserve nature and protect biodiversity.
An extra spice to the night was a performance by H2OP and the menu design by @SofiaCitron.

magazine launch Party
project lead, host
Each year, Imagine5 creates a magazine filled with the top editorial stories of the year. The magazine launch is a chance to make the words come to life! Picking up on the key themes, Solveiga project-led this celebration with synched design, performances and bites for the Imagine5 team, collaborators and their community members.
Edible design by @eatrealbereal, meditation grounding by Janni, and an intimate performance by GENTS. Hosted at the historic Villa Kultur.

Copenhagen photo festival: Documentary screening & two Panels
project lead, panel moderator
In cross collaboration between Copenhagen Photo Festival x Imagine5 x FUTURES Photography, Solveiga led a panel of photographers, journalists, and artists to discuss the intersection of the artistic practice x sustainability: how art can harness or inspire sustainable change.
On another day, we held a screening of Organised Wilderness, documentary following Denmark’s largest ever rewilding project, by director Phie Ambo. Afterwards, she herself joined a panel discussion with a rewilding expert and another film maker to discuss the realistic path to rewilding Denmark.

Kids in nature with Mini a ture
project lead, host
Caring for the environment starts with a connection to nature – and it’s great to get kids involved early. In collaboration with MINI A TURE, a B Corp children’s clothing brand, we invited families to reconnect to the wonder of being outdoors. Mireille from Naturhelten led an immersive workshop on bees and local pollinators.

high5 dinner
project lead, host
Gathered together passionate people working in Copenhagen within sustainability into a community evening to share in guided reflective conversations, ideas and seed future collaborations. Some people attending the night represented impactful projects such as Social Vanilla, Isangs, DTU Food Lab and Blue Lobster.

coffee & climate
project lead, host
Free morning session to kick off the day with sustainable inspiration and meet like-minded people. The guest, Kathryn Larsen, from Studio Kathryn Larsen, shared her architectural insights about working with seaweed, seagrass and bio-based materials.

Upcycling workshop
project lead, co-host
Upcycling workshop led by Gabu from Bagabú, a circular fashion brand, where old textile waste was flipped into new toiletry bags. All ticket sales were donated to Fashion Revolution, campaigning for a more ethical fashion industry.

Actimeetup conference 2020, 2021
project co-coordinator
Actimo by Kahoot!’s annual conference for 250+ of their customers around driving frontline employee engagement. Solveiga was part of the small coordinating team from ideation to execution, holding the event both in-person and on ZOOM.
Roskilde music festival
journalist, host, script co-author
Reporting on behalf of Imagine5, an impact media foundation, we explored the intersection of culture x music x climate action at Roskilde Festival, Scandinavia’s largest music festival. Through vox pops with festival goers, entrepreneurs and sustainable projects from The Circular Lab, we explored the relationships between festivals and sustainability.
Mountains on stage
Andelsgaarde farmers market
Eat wasted pasta Dinner
os om havet harbour clean up
Loop Forum
project collaboration lead, field marketer
Through the use of collaborations with organisations and projects working towards climate action, Solveiga partnered Imagine5 to cross pollinate communities and increase peoples’ climate awareness and climate action. On many occasions, herself showing up to meet with the attendees and pass along free copies of Imagine5’s magazine to further seed inspiration.